

The Master's program in "Teacher Leadership" was developed in collaboration with Teach For Armenia and Yerevan State University and has been operational since 2021. This program offers students both a teaching qualification and a Teacher-Leader specialization, the first of its kind in Armenia. With 42 graduates already impacting schools and communities and 29 more set to graduate next year, the program continues to grow as a catalyst for educational change.

The Master's program is built on two core concepts: educational equity and teacher leadership. It enables students to deeply understand and address issues of equity in education, developing strategies and methods to implement solutions both inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, the program provides students with the opportunity to explore leadership, develop their leadership skills, and assess the role of collective leadership in tackling systemic challenges.


Students can participate in the program remotely through the Moodle e-learning platform, enabling them to study from anywhere.


The aim of the Master's program is to cultivate a new generation of teachers equipped with pedagogical and leadership skills to drive changes in Armenia's school and educational system. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, empowering graduates to become active advocates for equitable education and positively impact their communities. By focusing on systems thinking, the Master's program prepares future teachers to lead fundamental changes in education.


After completing the Master's program in Teacher Leadership, graduates will be able to:

Establish a solid foundation of pedagogical knowledge by studying best practices, applying their knowledge in practical settings, and engaging in self-improvement through reflection and feedback.

Utilize tools and strategies to identify and solve educational problems effectively.

Localize global trends in educational leadership and equity by providing effective solutions to local challenges.

Apply research skills to continuously develop their pedagogical and leadership practices.



The Teacher Leadership Master's Program is a training program developed in collaboration with Teach For Armenia and the faculty of Yerevan State University. The program's modules are divided into two categories: those fully developed by Teach For Armenia and those developed by Yerevan State University.

Combined and Separate Modules Offered by Teach For Armenia

Equality in Education and Children's Rights at School

In this module, students learn the concepts of educational equality, balance, and equity, as well as the principles of fair classroom teaching.

The Development of Pedagogical Leadership (Combined)

This module establishes fundamental knowledge about leadership in education, its features, and mechanisms. It contributes to the formation of students' practical knowledge about the application of these mechanisms.

Models of Pedagogical Leadership in Armenia

As part of this module, students are introduced to models of pedagogical leadership and the imperatives of school building programs in various historical contexts.

Community Influence 

Students explore the design thinking toolkit and apply it to identifying community challenges and opportunities. At the end of the module, students present examples of their community programs.

Current Professional Problems (Combined)

In this module, students study fundamental and relevant learning theories, linking them with their teaching practice.

Formation of Culture in the Classroom (Combined)

Students learn practical techniques and principles for jointly forming classroom culture. They get acquainted with the basic principles and components of socio-emotional learning.

Thematic Planning and Classroom Assessment (Combined)

In this module, students practice the basic approaches and principles of thematic and classroom planning. They also learn about the types of assessment in the classroom (diagnostic, summative, and formative), as well as the forms and analysis of assessment.



Combined and Separate Modules Offered by Yerevan State University

General Pedagogy

Within this module, students discuss and define the purpose, objectives, and concepts of pedagogy, covering the main disciplines of general pedagogy.

Age Pedagogy

Students address the issues in age pedagogy, learning about the age-related, psychological, and individual characteristics of children of different ages.

Modern Educational Technologies and Innovative Teaching Methods

Students define the concept of "modern educational technologies" and interpret innovative teaching methods and contemporary educational technologies.

Teaching Methods

Students select a teaching methodology appropriate to their subject of study (e.g., English, physics), exploring the features and methods specific to teaching their subject.

Information Technology in the Professional Field

In this module, students are introduced to the application of information technology in pedagogy. At the Master's level, this is a standard module provided by YSU.

Application Procedure

Graduates with a Bachelor's, Master's, or graduate degree accredited by YSU and other state and non-state higher educational institutions in their specialties (who have passed institutional accreditation, both full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply for the Master's program.

Please note that the Master's program does not provide qualifications for elementary school teachers (class teachers) or physical education teachers.