13 March 2020

Dearest Team,

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport officially announced that all educational institutions will be closed until further notice. At this moment, the safety of our community is a top priority. We care about your health, the health of your family, and the safety of our students.

With this in mind, we are putting in place the following guidelines:

  • All staff members are welcome to work from home for the time being.

  • If you decide to take sick leave, please inform your manager through Bamboo.

  • For those who choose to work from the office, we will be providing hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes in all shared spaces.

  • Moving forward, all meetings should provide the option to join online.

  • All non-essential gatherings and events should be postponed.

Steps that you are encouraged to take:

  • If you start to feel unwell, please stay at home and away from others.

  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time and avoid touching your face.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze (preferably into your elbow rather than your hands).

  • If you take an international trip, we kindly ask that you self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to the office or visiting our schools.

  • Regularly sanitize your laptops, devices, and work spaces.

  • If possible, let’s try to practice social distancing:

    • Replace in-person meetings with zoom calls

    • When meeting in person, try to keep a distance of 1 meter or more  (i.e. 3-6 feet)

    • Avoid kissing, hugging, and shaking hands 

    • Consider postponing events and gatherings

  • For the safety of others, please try to limit the number of guests in our office and meet with them elsewhere (if possible).

If you need to get tested for COVID-19, please contact the Nork Infectious Clinical Hospotal: Reception: 010 65-50-42 (24/7). Please note that you will likely be admitted into isolation while the test results are being processed. According to our health insurance provider, any testing or treatment costs related to COVID-19 should be covered by the government. Sona G. is standing by to help with insurance-related questions.

In the event that you test positive for COVID-19, we want to make our process as simple as possible for you. Please simply send a message to your manager (email, WhatsApp, or slack) so that we are aware. Your manager should then inform HR. You do not need to submit anything on Bamboo.

If you have any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to approach me or a member of the Executive Team. Our team is monitoring information from the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization (WHO), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). As more information is provided, we may continue to revise our guidelines and policies. Thank you for doing your part to help keep our community safe and healthy, and for supporting one another as we navigate this moment together. 


Ruiz Clark
Chief Operating Officer
Teach For Armenia